
God's Faithfulness


Deut. 7:9 – Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.

1. God’s Faithfulness is His Promise to us which is permanent and supportive.

a. The word faithful in this verse is God defining Himself in relationship towards us.

b. He is faithful in keeping His promises, covenant, treaties, commands, and judgments/precepts.

c. His faithfulness is constant in truth and affection towards us

d. EXAMPLE: In Ex. 34 after Israel had made a golden calf to worship because of their impatience, v.6 – states: The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin…

2. God’s counsel is faithfulness and true –

a. Is. 25:1 – O Lord, You are my God, I will exalt You. I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

b. Num. 23:19 – God is not a man that He should lie…nor change His mind…what He says He will do. What He says, He will make good.

c. We can trust His counsel – they bring security into our lives because He is trustworthy.

d. EXAMPLE: David goes up against Goliath because He had already learned that God would give him ability to overcome in dangerous situations (bear and lion attacking his flocks).

• Gen. 27-32 – Jacob, the deceiver, becomes the deceived and eventually a prince with God receiving a name & character change.

• Gen. 37-50 – Joseph, the dreamer, becomes a slave, prisoner, the second-to-the-Pharoah of Egypt and the deliverer and protector of his family just as in his dream.

• Mt. 26(v.31-35, 69-75); Ac. 2 – Peter, the impulsive disciple, the run-away, becomes the imprisoned testimony miraculously set free, and a bold preacher.

3. Scriptures declare God’s faithfulness –

a. Ps. 36:5 – the faithfulness [of God] reaches the clouds. This simply means that it is limitless and far-reaching, wherever we find ourselves, whatever our circumstances, God is still faithful and knows how to speak His words of mercy, grace, counsel, and truth into us and the situation.

b. Ps. 89:2 – His faithfulness is established in the heavens. His commitment to us is firmly fixed and enduring long before and after our lives on this earth.

• This particular Psalm looks specifically into God’s faithfulness:

1. V. 5 – to the congregation (people) of the saints (those who set themselves, sanctify, to the Lord)

2. V. 8 – the Father is encompassed with faithfulness, meaning every perspective / view He has of us, and His creation is always considered through this mindset of being faithful in what He has said, promised, and done for us.

3. V. 11 – the heavens and earth are testimonies of His faithfulness.

4. V. 15 – His people are blessed (happy), knows by experience His joy, and walk in the straight paths of His truth and illuminating light of revelation.

5. V. 18, 22 – His faithfulness to us becomes a shield of defense around us. He does not allow the enemy to do everything he would want to afflict us with.

6. V. 28-37 – He promises to reach our descendants with His mercy, to establish them, correct them (and us), and to show His lovingkindness so His faithfulness will not fail. He will keep/guard His covenant!

• Ps. 92:2 – He shows His lovingkindness in the morning and faithfulness every night.

• Ps. 119:75 – even in times when He allows affliction to enter our lives, it’s because His faithfulness is to set us free from whatever is side-tracking us or causing us to go astray from His best for us. –

Your judgments are right and You, in faithfulness, have afflicted me.

• Lam. 3:23 – Great (abundant) is your faithfulness!!

4. How God’s faithfulness is seen in our lives –

a. I Cor. 1:9 – God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

b. This is evidenced:

• in not allowing us to come short in any gift (v. 7),

• enriching us in everything by Jesus who speaks and gives all knowledge (v.5) and

• confirms our testimonies in Christ (v. 6) as well as

• confirms us as blameless to the end of our days (v. 8)

• I Cor. 10:13 – God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear [endure] it.

c. II Thess. 3:3 - The Lord is faithful to establish [make stable in character, morals, and mind] us and keep us from evil [harmful influences and effects which would develop a bad nature AND from Satan’s devises!!].

• Even when we don’t believe Him, He is faithful to what He has said because He cannot deny Himself (II Tim. 2:13).

d. As our High Priest (Heb. 2:17) Jesus is always working to reconcile us to His/Our Father.

• Heb. 11 bears testimony of how the Father works His faithfulness into our lives.

• Even Lot is mentioned as ‘righteous’ in this chapter though he ‘vexed’ his soul by his choices of lifestyle.

e. He makes us kings and priests, sharing His Kingdom’s dominion with us, because He loves us, having provided a way through Jesus to be washed by his own blood. (Rev. 1:5-6)

What God has spoken to you, hold on to His faithfulness to see it fulfilled, no matter how long it may take. Embrace God’s Word, His promises, His judgments, and let Him empower your testimony to those around you.


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