Delights of Truth Ep 56 Christ our Life

Christ, Our Life

Philippians 1


Phil. 1:1-3, 13 – Greetings

TITLE: The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians is often referred to as “The Book of Joy and


• Philippi, the city where the church addressed was located, was located in Macedonia in Greece.

• Philippi means: “Lover of Horses” P

• This is a book of joy and thankfulness written by Christ’s “ambassador in chains.”

AUTHOR AND DATE: Paul wrote this epistle between 60-64 A.D. during his first imprisonment in Rome.

• Acts 28:16, 30-31 – Now when we came to Rome, the centurian delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard; but Paul was permitted to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him…Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the Kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.

Recipients of Letter – Lydia, slave girl (delivered of divination spirit), Philippian jailer

• Acts 16:12-40 - Philippian church planted during Paul’s 2nd missionary Journey (approx. 51 A.D.)

o Philippi was named for Philip II of Macedonia (the father of Alexander the Great).

o Philip conquered the region for its nearby gold mines in the 4th century B.C.;

o In 42 B.C. Antony’s and Octavian’s forces defeated those of Brutus and Cassius in Battle

of Philippi which made Philipppi a colony of Rome.

o Paul visited Philippi twice during 3rd missionary journey: at beginning (II Cor. 8:1-5); at end (Acts 20:6)

GOD’S GOOD WORK – v. 6-11

• An excellent work of Transformation begins upon Believing in Jesus and continues throughout life.

o Beneficial in producing a pleasant and joyful character reflecting Jesus in us.

o Evident that we are separate from the world. Our lives should bare a marked difference!

o Jesus oversees that transformation to bring a further fulfillment of maturity to us.

• Partakers of grace (v. 7) – we are co-participants of God’s grace, His lovingkindness.

o Our love towards Him should increase from day-to-day; year-to-year! As we:

o Grow in our knowledge of who He is and ‘how’ to live in His ways. His ways are pleasant!

o Grow in judgment – our heavenly perception and discernment by the Holy Spirit!

• Approve, TEST, all things for:

o Excellence – this is the ability to discern rightly what is of God and what is not.

• To develop the characteristics of Christ Jesus:

o Sincere – pure in motive; “judged by sunlight” – i.e., clearly seen for what is true!

o Without Offense – having nothing to strike against; blameless just as Jesus was/is.

o Filled with the fruits of Righteousness – purity of life; upright in thinking, feeling, and actions.

o Lives that give praise and glory to God the Father.

For me to live is Christ (v. 21) – v. 12-26– Paul, our example –

• Bad things happen to God’s people, as with Paul, for the furtherance of the Gospel.

o Our response to those bad circumstances should manifest the presence of Jesus to those observing us. – v. 13-14

o Others should come to a confidence in Christ because of our response and attitude under duress!

• We speak without fear – with BOLDNESS! – being confident that God’s WORD is true!

o With an attitude of good will, rather than envy and strife! – Sincerely desiring others to Believe on Christ.

o Envy and strife bring contention and divisions; stems from a wrong heart-stance; selfish-ambitions.

o Paul desired the Word preached, however, even if the heart’s attitude was wrong so some would believe on Jesus no matter what! – v. 16-18

• We have a supply (v. 19-20), of the Holy Spirit just as Paul had – He is a constant resource for us!

o Eternal expectation and hope – for ourselves and that others would come to faith in Christ because of our lives’ examples.

• V. 21 – For me to live is Christ and to die is gain!

o Looking forward to life in heaven; understanding the benefit for others to remain alive on earth!

 The great tension, particularly during hard times, or waning years of life.

Conduct Worthy of Christ’s Good News – v. 27-30

• Excellent Behavior brings glory to God and impact to the message of Good News we carry.

• Our Behavior defines our character. It should consist of:

o Permanently standing/stationed in one spirit – our life force (soul, heart, and spirit) should be firmly founded on God’s truth, living fully in His ways.

o One mind laboring together for the faith of the Gospel

 Working out our differences in perspective but agreeing in the Holy Spirit.

• Not terrified by our adversary!! V, 28 + Eph. 3:10-11 – to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the church, to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose of God which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.

o Proof to all the demonic forces that they are under judgment awaiting that final judgment which will eternally remove their influence in this world.

o Proof that you know this and have received a secure salvation!

 Makes suffering in this life easier because you understand it is temporary.

 Understanding that in suffering we are made more like Jesus Christ who willingly embraced Father God’s will to see the demons defeated, and resurrection life made available to all who believe!

Truly for me to live is Christ. We die to ourselves, our selfish ways, our limited perspectives, our misunderstandings – so that His life can have full authority to bring us to maturity. We then look and act as our Savior, Jesus, our Lord, and King.


Delights of Truth Ep 54 Walking in truth and love


Delights of Truth Ep 53 Abiding in true doctrine