
A Fixed (Established) Heart Ep 41


Ps. 57:7 – My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.

I. A FIXED (established) heart.

A. In ALL of Life’s Circumstances

1. Easy to say when life is smooth & unrushed.

2. FIXED/ESTABLISHED involves our thoughts & intentions as well as our affections.

B. Distractions will come.

1. A distraction can be healthy or unhealthy

a) Healthy – we have something that needs our attention & we distract ourselves in order to

relieve the stress while coming up with a solution, i.e. a time out to relax.

b) Unhealthy – to dwell upon the need or problem or busy-ness; to let it consume our thoughts,

energy, emotions, and time.

c) Dictionary Definition: Mentally disordered; unsettled; having the attention diverted

especially because of anxiety.

C. Choice: Stayed FIXED or yield to Unhealthy Distractions

1. Luke 10:39-40 – Mary and Martha – …Mary sat at Jesus’ feed and heard His word; but Martha

was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said: Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore, tell her to help me.

a) Mary’s heart was fixed upon Jesus

(1) A fixed heart sets itself wholly in unalterable decisiveness on God refusing to let the

pressures of busy-ness, i.e., that list of things to do, delete the focus of your heart.

(2) Fixed hearts have a determination to maintain relationship; not fluctuating and soon

broken intentions.

(3) Ps. 27:8 –Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice, have mercy also upon me and answer


(a) When anxiety or pressure or stress hits, we need to determine to have a conversation

with the Lord.

(b) Prayer calms our heart and aids in preventing unhealthy distractions which highjack

our emotions and energy.

Exercise: Write out all that is distracting you (that ‘to do’ list) and present it to the Lord.

(c) “Mercy is the hope of sinners and the refuge of saints”

b) Martha was ‘cumbered’ – i.e. distracted – and missed the mark of having time to talk with


(1) Entered into unhealthy distraction by feeling overly responsible.

(2) Cumbered/Distracted means troubled, disturbed of mind; disquieted

(3) This becomes unhealthy because it steals our peace; robs proper perspective; and

undermines our time with the Lord.

D. FIXED or ESTABLISHED Hearts learn to sing praise.

Ps. 57:7 – My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise.

Ps 27:8 – When You said, “seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, will I seek.”

1. During stressful times it’s important to sing yourself into confidence in God and into


2. Expect God to answer when you cry out to Him. He’s more than willing to guide you.

a) Music affects our emotions (making us feel happy – or sad) - just a few examples:

- sparks creativity

- can help relieve pain by relaxing one’s breathing and releasing endorphins

- can help improve attention and physical activity as well as memory……

3. Ps. 119:27 – Make me understand the way of Your precepts so shall I talk of Your wondrous


a) Allow the Lord to led you into His peaceful ways by intentionally thinking about His works –

i.e., creation, providence, redemption, grace, goodness……

b) Frees us from distractions that are unhealthy

II. Conclusion

• Life is full of distractions and their influences, but we have a choice.

• It’s not easy to keep a corner of our hearts clear to sense God’s presence, but it is do-able.

• Distractions are made by our own weaknesses (or foolishness when we take on more than we can handle)

• We can choose to let the stress of duty distract us (i.e. rule us) or determine to stay in communion with God and do as He directs us to do, whether it makes sense to us or not, or whether that’s what we thought that should be our starting point.

• The demands of life shake our hearts and attempt to sever our connection with God.

• However, rightly handled, those demands can be the best ladder to God’s Presence.

• Praise-filled singing will help keep our hearts filled with the Holy Spirit throughout our days.

Eph. 5:18b-20 – …be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in hour heart to the Lord; giving thanks always unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Spiritual Fitness, Ep 42


Learning to Follow Jesus,, Ep 39