
Habits of the Heart and Mind


Romans 7:15-16, 20, 24-25 (Amp) – For I do not understand my own actions – I am baffled, bewildered. I do not practice or accomplish what I wish, but I do the very thing that I loathe [which my moral instinct condemns.] Now if I do [habitually] what is contrary to my desire,…it is no longer I doing it….but the sin [principle] which dwells within me [fixed and operating in my soul]. Read v. 24-25 in Amp. Bible

1) The Apostle Paul –

a. Prior to his salvation (Acts 9) he was known as the persecutor of the Way.

b. Habits are recurrent, often unconscious patterns of behavior we acquire through repetition.

c. As a former persecutor, I can imagine that Paul had to intentionally overcome a habit of being quick to judge others.

d. Part of Paul’s natural man (personality tendency/propensity/disposition of mind) would at times cause him to respond in the natural past habits rather than his renewed character and mind.

• An example of this in Paul is found in Acts 23:1-5 – when brought under accusation before the council – the natural Paul responded followed by the spiritual Paul.

2) Habits are formed by society around us (Paul’s had formed by being a student under the leadership of the Pharisees who were quick to judge placing rules on others which they themselves often failed to keep).

a. By learning from others (family, friends, educators, customs)

b. By practice (repetition) - Memorizing scripture forms good habits within us to guard our hearts, souls, and minds from slip-ups into past mindsets and behaviors.

• Conversely, some have hearts trained in covetous practices (II Pet. 2:14) by ignoring or not heeding the Truth.

c. Habits can shape our mental disposition and attitudes:

• Pro. 23:7a – as a man thinks in his heart, so is he…

d. A Habit applies to a behavior or practice so ingrained that it is often done without conscious

thought. (Most people eat at a specific time of day whether or not they are truly hungry.)

• A practice describes an often-chosen pattern of individual or group behavior.

• A custom is behavior as established by long-term practice and especially by accepted conventions.

3) Identifying our Heart-Mind Habits –

a. Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. – Frank Outlaw; Sunshine Magazine

b. Examine yourself to see where your ‘habits’ of heart or soul/mind have tripped you up:

• A thought such as “I’m going to fail…” sets you up to fail. Or “this is too easy” can be positive or negative (gifted pianist, easy begets too little practice).

• A feeling connected with that thought produces an action such as anxiety from negative thoughts; or confidence from positive ones (baseball player who keeps eye on the ball; pilot who imagines invisible line to guide plane from air to ground)

c. Flesh-thought vs Spirit-thought:

• Peter – Jn. 13:37 – I will lay down my life for Your sake…; v.38 – before the cock crows, you will deny Me three times.

• Peter – Mt. 16:16 – when Jesus asked, ‘who do you say that I am?’ You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. V. 17 – the HS has revealed this to you.

d. We all have experienced both of these sides of our natural and spiritual habits.

• If I don’t take stock before walking into a crowded room, I’ll naturally slip back into habits of shyness; if I encourage myself beforehand, I’ll step into confidence.

• Listening to hear what’s said stops me from quickly judging incorrectly.

4) Who will deliver me from wrong habits of heart, soul/mind? - Ro. 7:24

a. Ro. 7:25-8:1 – I thank God, through Jesus Christ…(I walk) according to the Spirit.

b. Ro. 8:2 – I am free from the law of sin and death.

c. Ro. 8:14 – (I am) led by the Spirit of God, (as a) son/daughter of God.

d. II Cor. 5:17 – I am a new creation (adopted – Ro. 8:15); all things have become new.

• “New” implies I have become, am becoming, and will continue to become new.

NEW thoughts (Spirit-influenced) + NEW actions (Spirit-directed =

New habits (God-pleasing) + NEW character (Christ-like) + NEW destiny (God-purposed)


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