Ready, Set, Go into this New Year.

As we enter this New Year of 2023, take time to reflect on all the goodness of God that you experienced during 2018.  Scripture encourages us to remember God’s goodness – what He has done for us, from what He has led us out of and into, the prayers that He has heard and answered, the favor He has given to us and so much more.  Deut. 8:18 encourages us to remember the Lord our God for it is He that gives power to get wealth and He establishes His covenant with us.  Jesus reminded His disciples to remember the miracles they had seen and participated in (the loaves and fishes – Mt. 16:9).  Remembering helps our faith to soar.  With this remembering, we are then empowered to make a resolution for the new year ahead.  A Resolution is a Declaration of Purpose – something we should not do rashly, but with prayerful forethought.  Let me share a Resolution I ran across written sometime in the early 1900’s – one worth our discipline, attitude, and attention –

   “A RESOLVE For Every Morning of the New Year:  I will this day try to live a simple sincere and serene life, repelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, discouragement, impurity, and self-seeking; cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity, and the habit of holy silence and exercising economy in expenditure, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, fidelity to every trust, and a child-like trust in God.” 

Remembering who God has created you to be, His anointed son or daughter, His empowered servant, His epistle read of men wherever you go, should encourage you to start each day in His Presence, savoring His word to your heart and life. This is year will come and go holding expectation and surprises as well as ups and downs. With God we are more than conquerors for anything that we will face. Go forward into this year with bold confidence in the God of all creation.


You are God’s Temple


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