Marvel, Meditate, Share

I read through the passages in Matthew and Luke having to do with Jesus’ birth this morning.  In reading the portion in Luke about the Shepherds, my eyes fell on chapter 2 verse 17-19 – And when they (the shepherds) had seen him (baby Jesus), they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.  And all who heard it were astonished at what the shepherds said.  But Mary treasured up all these words, pondering in her heart what they might mean. 

There are three responses of the human heart seen here at the angelic announcement of “Good News” – the response of the shepherds who immediately set off to see this proclaimed ‘child’ and then immediately began to spread the Good News to all who would listen to them.  The second response was ‘astonishment.’  To astonish is to incite within a person a sense of wonder or to marvel at, but it’s an inactive word.  It may spark conversation but doesn’t necessarily produce action or decision.  The third response was Mary’s who ‘treasured’ the words as well as ‘pondering’ them.  One ponders when one is thinking and turning something over again and again in the mind to gain understanding.  It is a form of meditating – having a conversation between oneself with God in the processing. 

What response do we have as we hear again the Good News of Jesus’ birth?  Of course, we know His life’s story and rejoice that He is reigning on high, but I want you to consider which response you are currently walking in – one of spreading the Good News; one of marveling over it; or one of treasuring it and meditating on what it means to you and those around you.  Sometimes this Good News of Christ’s coming as a babe is so familiar to us that we forget to marvel any more, though we should marvel.  It’s promise fulfilled through a miraculous birth and the message of hope it brings is eternal. Hopefully we do not forget to meditate and treasure what that means to us and therefore joyfully spread His Good News to those who have not yet heard or need to hear again.


Ready, Set, Go into this New Year.
