How do we hold onto Hope during times of disappointment and/or affliction? I’ve walked through sp,e tough situations that didn’t turn out as hoped for.  During one of those times, I was immediately reminded of Moses facing Pharaoh – more than once – prior to God’s plan to set His people free became a reality.  Also of David, who had been able to minister peace to King Saul, found himself running from Saul who was threatening to kill him. This went on for fourteen years before the Word of the Lord became fact and David was made King of Judah, and then, of Judah and Israel.  Disappointments happen.  Delays happen. Afflictions hit us. Why?  Because God is after a humble character that believes every Word He speaks into us, whether things turn around immediately or take more time than we prefer. The disciples of Jesus also experienced this.  While expecting a natural King, they got a crucified sacrifice (Jesus, the crucified lamb of God.) They totally misunderstood everything that has happened until Jesus was resurrected from the dead and surrounded by a cloud ascended into heaven (Acts 1:9). 

At times of disappointment, delays, or affliction mixed with confusion, hold on to your Hope:  God’s Words of Life.  This is a time to take every thought captive to obedient faithfulness towards Jesus Christ.  (II Cor. 10:5).  Adjust those thoughts to what is true (Phil. 4:8), good, honest, just, pure and lovely,and worthy as one of God’s royal people. This will help you begin to release praise to God instead of complaint or anxiety.  Learn to see both sides at the same time – the natural situation and the heavenly purpose of God.  Let II Cor. 1:4-18 become life to you as you walk in the comfort of the Holy Spirt while enduring the same sufferings that Christ Jesus walked through.  God has you.  God’s purposes will prevail.  Hold onto your Hope.  In the end you can humbly wear the “marks of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:17) which bears no shame and makes one’s heart say, “it was good for me to have been afflicted.” (Ps. 119:71) What purpose does affliction or disappointment serve?  They help us lean into the Lord’s understanding; teach us to let go of our limited understanding; and cause us to cling to the Lord, learn His statutes and choosing to walk in them (Ps. 119:67, 71).  May our Faithful Mighty God receive all praise and honor as we always remain loyal to Him.


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