You are God’s Temple

II Cor. 6:16 states that you (each Believer) are a temple of the Holy Spirit.  In Old Testament times the temple had three parts:  the outer court; holy place; and holiest of all.  You, as God’s temple also have these three parts – the outer court of your body or place of service/doing; the inner holy place of your soul where you make decisions and offer sacrifices of service to God; and the holiest place of your spirit that offers up worship in the very presence of God.  Every bit of you is set apart in the sight of heaven for Holy use. 

The activities of the Old Testament temple, or tabernacle, in the outer court and the holy place was regulated 24-hours daily, both day and night, by the Presence of the Living God in the Holiest of all, as we should be.  II Corinthians 6:16 continues with:  I will dwell in them and walk among them.  I will be their God and they shall be my people.  Considering this truth, during a 24-hour day, do you do all for the glory of God?  Does it affect your prayer life by bringing you into the counsels of God who dwells within you?  Does His indwelling cause you to be separate (different) from the world around you (II Corinthians 6:17) in word, action, and attitude?  Does His indwelling Presence have opportunity to be released from deep within you into the lives of others who need contact with the God who created them?  Let us encourage one another to let the power and light of His Presence shine brightly within us as carriers of His indwelling Presence.


Fulfilling God’s Purpose in Life


Ready, Set, Go into this New Year.