
Delights of Truth Ep 68 Jesus restores the Soul


Ps. 23:3

Etimology defines ‘restore’ as:

To give back

To build up again

To repair, renew, re-establish.

To free from the effects of sin

To bring back to a former and better state

From disease, decay, from captivity…

Process of Restoration:

1. Ps. 31:3-5 – He is our rock and fortress; He pulls us out of whatever net we get caught up in; We must commit our ‘spirit’ to Him for restoration as He redeems us with His truth!

a. Everyone gets hit with the “blegh’s” of soul occasionally. Sometimes for no apparent reason.

b. What are some reasons for that happening?

i. Jer. 2:17 – Have you not brought this on yourself, in that you have forsaken the Lord your God when He led you in the way?

ii. Mk. 10:32 – Now they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was going before them; and they were amazed. And as they followed, they were afraid. Then He took the twelve aside again and began to tell them the things that would happen to Him.

c. What do you do when that happens to you?

d. How do you encourage others when it happens to them? How do you encourage yourself?

2. I Kings 18:36-39 - The Lord Himself turns our soul/heart back to Himself.

a. Elijah’s prayer was immediately accepted by God as His fire fell to burn up the sacrifice and to prove that He alone is God who can do the impossible.

b. When you call, expect the Lord to answer!

c. Ps. 51:12-13 – He restores the joy of our salvation so that we can proclaim His mercies to others.

d. Is. 57:18-19 – The Lord sees and promises to heal, lead, restore, and comfort.

3. Ps. 25:10 – He leads us into His paths of mercy and truth, Righteousness!

a. Proverbs compares the fool (unredeemed) and wise (redeemed) – one walks in ways that promote conflict, strife, misery; the other walks in ways that overcome conflict, bring peace to undo strife; and lives in the abundance of God’s favor/contentment

b. Pro. 4:25-27 – keep your focus on the Lord Jesus, not on things that distract.

c. Pro. 4:11-13 – the way of righteousness is the path of wisdom which causes us to be stable of mind, soul, and spirit.

d. Pro. 4:18 – the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. – Our confidence becomes bolder and surer as we keep our minds and hearts fixed on the truths of God’s commands, ways of living.

i. The light we live by gets brighter and more brilliant to our understanding.

e. Pro. 12:28 – The way of righteousness is life, and in the pathway thereof there is no death!

f. Heb. 12:11-13, 14-15 -…And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed….

4. Ps. 139:9-10 – no matter where I put myself, God is aware of where we are and can led us by His right hand.

5. Pro. 20:24 – A man’s steps are of the Lord; how then can a man understand his own way?

a. (tPt) – It is the Lord who directs your life, for each step you take is ordained by God to bring you closer to your destiny. So much of your life, then, remains a mystery!


Delights of Truth Ep 67 Who do we please