
Delights of Truth Ep 59 Christ our strength


Phil. 4


• This epistle of joy encourages us to ‘stand fast in the Lord’ – v. 1

o Be persistently stationary in Christ.

o These verses spell out the external behavior that reflects our internal attitudes.

• Work on your relationships with fellow Believers – v. 2-3

o This takes intentionality – to be vulnerable and accountable to others

o Allow others to speak into your attitudes and perceptions.

o Different callings and giftings affect how we view circumstances and people.

o How you treat others will affect your witness for Jesus in the opinions of those observing you.

o Must be ‘like-minded’ – to inquire of the Lord and take up His thought, ways, judgment

o There should be no in-fighting among God’s household!

• Work on Christ-like character – v. 4-7

o Attitude of rejoicing – This word ‘rejoice’ is found nine times in this book

 Chairo – be ‘cheer-ful’, i.e., calmly happy

 ‘Happy’ here refers to knowing that you are divinely favored; not dependent on circumstances as happiness is in the natural world.

o Gentleness known to all – v. 5 – i.e., your appropriate patience and fairness with a mildness of speaking and acting.

 This becomes a part of what you are known for.

 Your bring a feeling of safety to others – they trust you to counsel and encourage them in their walk with the Lord and in their relationships.

 Overcomes all anxiety – you know how to allow the HS to lead you to the Rock – Ps. 61:1-2 – Hear my cry, O God, attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to you. When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

 Supplication – this is a request made of God for a need made in your prayer closet.

 With thanksgiving! – an attitude of gratitude!! Alongside worship.

 Internal peace – This is where you do battle with the strongholds of your mind; speaking truth to yours inward self.

 God will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus – you’re co-partnering with Father God. He does not leave you to do this alone.

 “guard” – literally means God will be a watcher in advance – to forewarn you!


• Christ-like in mind defined with how a humble mind processes life – v. 8

o We train our mental processes with TRUTH – God’s word alone is absolute truth.

o Noble things are honorable and honest, producing worship of Almighty God.

o Just things reflect God’s upright ways that come from an guiltless obedient heart.

o Pure things are reverently clean and innocent.

o Lovely things are friendly and acceptable towards God and man. We please the Lord by sincere affection for those of His family!

o Good Reports are words well spoken of others and of Christ Jesus.

o Virtue – is moral and godly excellence of thought, feeling and action.

o Praise – causes yourself and others to speak in a way that commends someone.

• These disciplines of mind come through times of meditation – v. 9

o We speak to ourselves these things before we speak them out to others.

o Thinking as Jesus thinks causes us to grow in faith and confidence towards Him.

o Brings us to wholesome maturity.

o Practice what you’ve learned, received, and heard and observed from Paul and mature Believers you are under.

o The God of peace will be with you.

• Live in Contentment – v. 10-20

o Contentment MUST BE learned by what we experience in life.

 KEY: v. 13 – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

 V. 14 – Paul admits he was enduring ‘distress’ through the pressure of being persecuted (thrown in prison) and all that goes along with that.

o Whether abased [suffering need] or abounding [fully provided for] – our strength, our empowerment, comes from the Lord Jesus! - v. 11-12

 Our confidence should be fully in Him, not in ourselves.

 Hunger and Thirst in body drives us to eat and drink for sustenance. In the Spirit drives us to the Word of scripture and Prayer for communion with God.

 We learn to seek HIS PROVISION for our lives.

o Paul abounding through their giving – v. 18-19

 Generosity was viewed as “sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. – v. 19

o My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus – v. 20

 His riches and supply never lack or run out of stock.

Conclusion of Letter – v. 21-23

• Paul greets by a virtual embrace of the arms, drawing them to himself, every saint.

o Saint (a believer including those in Caesar’s household) means a person who has received the redeeming, cleansing work of Christ, and are set apart as holy to the Father.

• The grace [divine influence] of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen [so be it]!


Delights of Truth Ep 61 Anointed in Christ by God


Delights of Truth Ep 58 Christ our goal