
Delights of Truth Ep 57 Our mind in Christ


Philippians 2


1. There is a diversity of people, culture, and background in the Philippian church.

• Such as a wealthy purple dealer from Asia (Lydia, a strong woman in a male-dominated culture);

• a slave girl from Macedonia;

• and a jailer in the service of Rome.

• Each had their own perspective, culture and life experience vastly differing from one another, gender difference, race difference, and their common union with Christ Jesus by faith.

2. Characteristics of Christ vs Natural man – v. 1-4

• Consolation in Christ – consists of encouragement that relieves distress of soul and mind. Exhort.

• Comfort of love – putting aside differences to truly seek what’s best for others, not just self.

• Fellowship of the Spirit, (koinonia) – Partnership, association, communication; joint interest.

• Affection and mercy – persuasively calming, or consoling another in need. Brings healing!

o Imparts strength and hope to relationships and glory to the Lord Jesus!

o II Cor. 1:3-5 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.

3. HUMBLE OF MIND – v. 3-5

• The natural mind is in contradiction to the Mind of Christ in these verses. We all struggle in this.

• Selfish-ambition vs Lowliness of Mind

o Selfish-ambition stems from the pride of life.

o Lowliness of mind comes as we esteem [consider] others better than ourselves.

o Interested in others – in their well-being;

 Love (I Cor. 13:5) does not behave rudely, nor seek its own, is not provoked, seeks no evil.

 Ro. 15:1-2 – We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak [hesitation to act; suspicious; doubts or reluctance] and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification!

• Christ-minded – think like Jesus would think. Thoughts produce actions and attitudes!

4. THE MIND OF CHIRST – v. 6-11

• He knew his identity – born of God, Son of God, equal with God

o We are God’s children (sons, daughters), have all that Jesus has to do and say what the Father does and speaks to us. As Jesus imitated the Father, so we must do also.

• A Bondservant – just as we are to Christ Jesus for His sake. – I Cor. 4:4 –

o We are His light shining in the darkness.

o We do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord.

• His humility of mind (as does ours) caused Father God to exalt Him – knees bow; tongues confess Him as Lord to the glory of the Father.

o No reputation – when we choose to humble ourselves as Jesus did, Father God exalts us through the works that He does through our obedience.

 Lives impacted to kneel in worship of the Lord Jesus; tongues confessing Him.

 Our focus is directed to Christ Jesus, not to ourselves.

 Our hearts rejoice as He gets all the glory, honor, and attention!


• Obedience is required with the fear of the Lord and oftentimes trembling of our natural nature.

o V. 13 - He works in us to will and to do for His good pleasure.

o v. 14 – Without complaining and disputing! – This is often a miracle of supernatural grace worked into our hearts desires and the attitudes of our souls. Learn contentment!

• Sincere and Set Free from – v.15-16

o Blame, harm , and fault – from the crookedness and perversities of the world around us.

 We are irreproachable in our behavior.

 Our words are without mixture! Speaking sincere truth in love.

 Like Daniel in the OT, nothing can be found to bring blame and shame to us.

• Hold firmly and attentively to the Word of Life – v. 16-17

o The Word of Life shines in our lives – relationships, thoughts, actions, business….

o Rejoice in every situation – even if things get hard and we need to sacrifice.

• Leaders should exemplify these characteristics as Timothy and Epaphroditus did – v. 19-30

o Timothy’s character – defined in v. 20-22: like-minded; sincere care of souls; given to service; trustable.

o Epaphroditus’ character – defined in v. 25-30: fellow worker and soldier; minister to needs of others; longed for others to rejoice; was distressed over the concern of others for himself; willing to lay down his life to minister to and for others.

o All of us should follow their stellar example, as they follow Christ Jesus’ life of being a bondservant to His Father and ours.

• Receive such Believers and Leaders

o Hold them in esteem – highly regarded and valued.

o Accept them wholeheartedly.


Delights of Truth Ep 60 Our identity in Christ


Delights of Truth Ep 55 True vs false Christianity