
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Episode 33


Acts 1:8 – But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me…

I. Who Holy Spirit is

A. A person, not an abstract, impersonal influence or power who is sent from God, by the Lord Jesus to dwell within us.

1. Spirit – compared to wind for our understanding (Jn. 3:8 – The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.)

2. Spirit of Truth – (Jn. 14:16-17 – the Father will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.) who has:

a) Knowledge to Guide into Truth. (Jn. 16:13); not speaking in His own authority but what He hear He will speak and He will tell you of things to come.

b) Teach (Jn. 14:26) us all things and bring to our remembrance things that Jesus has said.

• Ears – to hear what Father God says – (Jn. 16:13; 15:26; I Cor. 2:11) The Spirit knows the things of God.

• Mouth – to declare what Father says – (Jn. 16:13; 15:26); to give report to testimonies

3. By His Will – I Cor. 12:11 – he gives gifts to man to utilize them as He wills in us.

a) He Searches by examination and investigation the deep things of God – I Cor. 2:10

b) He Prays w/groans & wisdom through us – Ro. 8:26 – READ!!

4. He knows Heart and Mind - Ro. 8:27/Jn. 14:16-17, 26 – Remembers and reminds us of True

things (“bring” & “remembrance” = same word “remember”); instructs; teaches; guides. He never forgets God’s good news, words, etc.

5. Love – Ro. 5:5 – pours out God’s love into our hearts enabling us to love as God does.

B. His Emotions:

1. Grief – Eph. 4:30 (do not grieve the HS of God by whom you were sealed for the day of

redemption) – by our carnal attitudes and actions (in the preceding verses)

2. Comfort/Helper – Jn. 14:16-17 – Legal Advocate who stands by us at all times –

a. “suggests true reasoning to our minds;

b. true courses of action for our lives;

c. convicts our enemy (guards over us jealously); and

d. pleads our cause before God our Father (intercessory prayer).

3. JOY – Acts 2:13 – full of new wine (inebriating)

4. Ro. 15:13 = Abounding in joy, and peace in believing, and in hope by the power of the HS.

II. Empowered by the Holy Spirit

A. To Be –

1. Acts 1:8 – witnesses of Jesus

2. Ac. 6:8 – to do wonders, signs, miracles – Stephen, full of faith & power; did great wonders…

3. Ac. 10:38 – Father anointed Jesus with the HS and power to do good; heal oppressed

Dorcas – Exemplified Prov. 31:13,20 / Ac. 9:36 “full of good works & charitable deeds”

(In honor of her: worldwide: Dorcas Sewing Society established in 1800’s)

B. Power To do –

1. Power to Endure – Ro. 9:22-23 / Heb. 10:38 – “to make His power known” thru “enduring

w/longsuffering to make known His riches of glory on the vessels of mercy”

Mary/Martha – Mary focused on Jesus’ presence

- Martha was distracted by anxieties and responsibilities; mind went to

Past (if you had been here) & future (I know you will in last day)

2. Abound – Ro. 15:13 – in hope; joy; peace; believing Older women – Tit. 2:3-5 – admonish/teach younger women to love husband & children; to be homemakers & good wives.

Younger women – to be good wives; mothers; managers of the home (I Tim. 5:14)

Widows – prayer warriors; hospitable; good Moms; relieve the afflicted…(I Tim. 5:10)

Men/Husbands/Sons – (Titus 1) – have integrity at home and business; be a good

steward of your time and resources; be faithful and self-controlled; exhort; be a good example to others of what a blameless life is before God.

3. Have all patience & longsuffering w/JOY – Col. 1:11 – put off sin/ II Cor. 4:7-15 READ;

II Cor. 12:9-20 – “boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Eph. 3:20 – He is able to do “exceeding abundantly” more than we can ask or think according to the power that (who) works in us.”

Mary, John’s Mom (Ac. 12) – prayer meeting for Peter’s imprisonment

Mom’s – for kids going astray; husband’s not walking w/God

4. Wisely – Eph. 1:17-23 – spirit of wisdom & revelation; understanding to know Him & the

greatness of His power

5. Fulfill ALL good pleasure of His goodness & work of faith – II Thess. 1:11 READ

Lydia – (Ac. 16:13-15,40) – business woman; prayer group leaders

Priscilla – (Ac. 18:1-3, 26) – tent makers; teacher of the word; church leader

Phoebe – (Ro. 16:1, 6) – servant of God/saints; co-laboring w/Paul (gift of helps)

Philip’s 4 daughters – (Ac.21:8-9) – prophesied the word w/power

All Jesus’ Disciples – Peter on the Day of Pentecost; Paul as he travelled planting


You have this same Holy Spirit dwelling in you. Pray for more of His power to be released through your life.


Delights of Truth Ep 34


Examine Yourself, Episode 32