Pursing God's Heart
Some practical ways to pursue the heart of God from Psalm 63 is to become acquainted with Him, to know Him. In verse 3 we come to know Him through His lovingkindness towards us. We come to know His triune being as:
1) God our Father who created us and keeps us as the apple of His eye.
2) Jesus, the Beloved Son of the Father who is also one with the Father, who is our Savior, Redeemer, Friend, brother, and the Perfect Sacrifice that reconciles our hearts to Father God.
3) Holy Spirit, sent out by Jesus from the Father to walk beside us as our Comforter, encourager, Master Teacher leading us to the Father, and empowering Spirit who fills us with bold confidence.
We pursue God’s heart by:
Turning our minds and hearts towards God in every situation FIRST (Ps. 63:1), or early on in our day, or situation we find ourselves in.
We make a sanctuary within our hearts where we sit with Him drinking deeply of His Word and meditating on it (v. 2). This is our habit of sincere worship expressed to Him alone.
We ask Him to open our eyes to see His power and glory as well as reminding ourselves of His lovingkindnesses (v. 2-3).
We bless His name by kneeling physically as well as emotionally and mentally to His greatness (v.4).
We practice contentment through praise for what He has done and what He is doing (v.5). Contentment produces peace of heart and soul and mind.
We remember the Lord even while in bed (v. 6) and in the night watches when we stay awake to pray. Prayer is simply communicating with our Father.
We become people of rejoicing (v.7-11) because of He helps us, sustains us, fights for us, delivers us, and because His Words are true, defeating every lie of the enemy.
When we seek the Lord, He promises He will be found. This brings His presence into our daily routines as we consciously and purposely become aware of His presence consistently abiding with us.