
Delights of Truth Ep 55 True vs false Christianity



Author: Jude; His name means praise; The Hebrew version of his name is Judah; the Greek version of Jude is Judas.

• Most commonly accepted (due to Eusebius, an early church historian, held this view) that

• Jude was a brother to Jesus & James –

o Mk. 6:3 – Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda [Jude], and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?... (Matt. 13:55)

o This is the most commonly accepted author, because of Jude 1.

• Others believe he was Jude, the son of Alphaeus, brother of James in Acts 1:13 and Lk. 6:16.

Date: Probably between 67 – 80 A.D.

• It is believed that Jude wrote from Jerusalem, though this is not certain.

• Jude quotes directly from 2 Peter 3:3 in Jude 17-18

o v.9, 14-15 – initiates a peculiarity in this epistle that has caused its authority to be called into question: quotes from apocryphal writings.

o Origen (early Church Father) said that “Michael” here mentioned is from the Jewish work The Assumption of Moses.

 Others refer it to Zech. 3:1,– Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him. - There is nothing there about Moses’ body, or Michael disputing its burial.

o Enoch’s writings are also quoted from in v. 14b-15.

 This book was known to the early church fathers, but had become lost except for a few fragments.

 The Book of Enoch was found in its entirety in 1773 in an Ethiopic Bible, was trans-lated into English by Archbishop Lawrence in 1821

 Enoch contains 5 parts: 1) Fall of the angels and a tour by an angel through heaven and earth; 2) Parables concerning God’s Kingdom, the Messiah, and the future; 3) Astronomical and physical matter; 4) Two visions of the history of the world to Messianic completion; and 5) exhortations of Enoch to Methu-selah and his descendants. (This book contains no Christian influence.)

Background: Written when Christianity was under severe political attack from Rome, with aggressive

Spiritual infiltration from false teachers purposely sowing doctrinal error.

1. Contending for the Faith – v. 1-4 – (v. 3 is central to and the key to True Christianity)

• Jude opens by commenting on his intention to write concerning “the common salvation,”

• However he was constrained by the Spirit to write concerning a different matter. V. 1

o He reminded the believers who they are in Christ: “called; sanctified; preserved.”

• All believers must earnestly /sincerely contend for the faith in the midst of apostasy.

• False teachers had crept into the church body, denying the faith and giving birth to apostasy.

o Apostate teachers are those Believers who have forsaken the faith, its truth and principles, for some other religion

• Warned to expose those teachers by revealing their character:

o V. 4 come into a group of Believers to settle in alongside without revealing their unscriptural beliefs – stealthy; secretive.

o Ungodly men who turn the grace of our God into lewdness – “greasy grace" comes to mind!

o Lewdness refers to unbridled lusts and passions – giving in and making excuses for their sinful conduct.

o V. 18-19 – Mockers

• Reminded – v. 5 & 17-19 – of God’s mercy and deliverance both by Moses and by our Lord Jesus.

2. Recognizing Apostasy from the faith: - v. 16-19

• Murmurers – someone who perpetually grumbles discontentedly. A murmur is a quiet utterance.

• Complainers – these blame fate, are querulous in their complaining because nothing satisfies them.

• Walk after their own desires – they long for what scripture forbids (past sins, addictions, lifestyle, etc.)

• Speak great swelling words – they are extravagant in their speaking – overly flattering; overly boastful; overly knowing more than others, etc.

• Admire those of advantage – they take advantage of a person’s position to benefit themselves; or wealth, or influence, etc., all for the benefit of themselves.

• Mockers scoff at the truth of scripture, holding it in derision to make excuses for their ungodly desires and pursuits. – “Well, I don’t interpret that verse/passage to mean what you think it does.”

• These actually give in to doctrine of men and of demons (v.6-8)

o Dreamers – Jer. 23:26-27, 32 – READ

 Rejecting authority and speaking evil of dignitaries - Jude 8

• Sensual persons who cause divisions – v. 19 – because they do not have the Spirit!

• II Peter 2 compares with Jude in dealing with apostacy and erroring hearts – stating its invasion, giving examples, exposing its activities, and warning of its dangers.

o All the unrepentant ungodly will be brought to eternal judgment by fire.

3. Keeping the Faith – v. 17-25

• God is always faithful to keep His elect from.

• Build yourself up on your most holy faith by:

o Praying in the Holy Spirit – this means speaking in tongues as well as being directed by the Holy Spirit in how to pray!

o Prayer includes worship as well as requests and intercessions.

• Keep yourself in the love of God by guarding your heart, your attitudes and motivations!

o Look for God’s mercy – partner with Him in showing mercy to others remembering your own need of His mercy.

o Have compassion on others while keeping yourself from whatever thing they are dealing with - in other words, compassionately help but avoid jumping into their sinking boat!

o Pull some out of the fire – with God’s loving compassion with II Tim. 3:16-17 – All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Final Thoughts – v. 24-25 – this should realign your heart and thoughts to our Wise God who holds all power and authority to keep us from stumbling and to present us faultless before Him!


Delights of Truth Ep 57 Our mind in Christ


Delights of Truth Ep 54 Walking in truth and love