
Training in Righteousness Ep 36


II Tim. 3:16-17 (READ) – All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction [training] in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

John 12:44-46 – Then Jesus cried out and said: He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. And He who sees Me sees him who sent Me. I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not hide in darkness.

1) Words reveal what we believe and Who we listen to.

a) Ps. 77:2-3 (READ) – Light vs Darkness; Soul/Spirit - what you dwell on determines what you believe:

• Complain – is to converse with yourself and those around you about what is troubling you. It elevates the problem to the point of:

o Overwhelming (i.e., clothing yourself in darkness) your spirit –causing you to faint (be weak), to fail!

• Ps. 143:3 – For the enemy has persecuted my soul - crushed my life to the ground - made me dwell in darkness, like those who have long been dead.

o enemy’s tactic which produces distress of heart, overwhelmed soul

• This is a symptom of your soul being in charge and refusing (rejecting) God’s comfort (v. 2)

b) Ps. 77:10-20 (READ) – REMEMBER (mark so as to be recognized; recount and think on) the Lord

• Ps. 142:3 – When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then YOU KNEW MY PATH, the way that I walk….

o Remember the right hand of the Most High (v. 10)

o Remember the works and wonders of the Lord (v.11)

o Meditate on God’s word (v.12)

o Talk of His deeds (v.12)

o Enter His sanctuary (v13) – to celebrate who He is & what He’s done & remember

o His Voice (v.18) that thunders and lights up the world to lead His people to safety.

2) Master Teacher of Truth = Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26 – teaches all things; brings to remembrance)

a) Faith battles unbelief – Holy Spirit leads us into ALL TRUTH – discovering WHO GOD IS

• Trained in the Wilderness because it’s safer than the battlefield.

• Learn to trust God – discern between unbelief (skepticism; rejection of belief or revelation) and doubt (wavering in opinion or judgment; to be uncertain, to suspect, fear, be apprehensive.

b) Instruction/Training: discipline; treatment suited to a disciple or learner;

• Development of the faculties by instruction and exercise, training. – II Tim. 3:16-17, above

• Training aims to equip by removing bad habits & build good ones: order and obedience.

 Col. 2:20-23 – tells us a list of ‘do’s & don’ts’ is self-imposed religion which is all external; behavior modification!

• HS’s instruction, correction, reproof, correction:

 Jer. 23:29 – God’s Word – FIRE; HAMMER (breaks ‘rock’ – i.e. fortress; stronghold)

 Ps. 147:18 – He sends His WORD and MELTS them; He causes the wind to blow, and the waters flow (EXAMPLE: Lk. 24:13-18 – Disciples w/Jesus on Emmaus Road)

 II Cor. 10:4-5 – Weapons of warfare, not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments that exalt itself against the knowledge of God; bringing thoughts into the captivity of obedience of Christ.

 Hammer breaks down strongholds of the mind (EXAMPLE: Lk. 22:60-62 – one look from Jesus at Peter and that stronghold of denial was shattered)

• Spiritual discipline works on us internally.

 Transforms and cleanses the heart - (Ps. 51:7 – purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.)

 EXAMPLE: Jeanie – extra-marital affair; HS convicts; finds self-reading Bible 3hrs daily

 Soul needs restoration – (Ps. 19:7 – The law of the Lord is perfect converting/restoring the soul.) – EXERCISING TRUST

 EXAMPLE: Stigmatism of eye – caused blindness on freeway entrance ramp; trusted parents instruction to drive on; vision immediately changed to clarity.

 Mind needs renewal/transformation – (Ps. 119:130 – The entrance of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple)

 EXAMPLE: Acts 9 – Apostle Paul – scales fall from eyes (mindset changed from external religion to internal revelation of TRUTH)

3) Disciples then walk in the discipline of submissiveness to God’s order and authority through the habit

of obedience.

a) We willingly remember Who God is and what He has done.

b) We exercise and practice His Words of instruction

c) We yield to the FIRE and HAMMER of the Word as the HOLY SPIRIT moves within us

d) We learn to replace our natural habits with Kingdom habits of righteousness through practical applications in day-to-day living.


Burning Hearts, Ep 35


The Purpose of the Wilderness, Ep 37