
God is Love, Ep 46



Introduction: John is the only NT author that mentions the Antichrist (5 times total); simply means ‘an

adversary of Christ.’

In this second chapter his uses it three times (v. 18, 22) – there are many…denies that

Jesus is the Christ…denies the Father and the Son.

V. 23 – whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

Jesus, Our Advocate – v. 1-2

• An Advocate is someone who pleads or argues in another’s behalf before a judge.

o An advocate supports, defends, and brings legal representation for another.

o Believers need to know that Jesus is our Advocate; our lawyer; whenever the enemy throws accusations against us before Father God.

• Why we need Jesus as our Advocate:

o Rev. 12:9-11 – So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to earth and his angels were cast out with him. Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been case down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

o To be freed from deception and accusation.

o To receive salvation, strength, and power in Christ Jesus.

o Empowered by the blood of the Lamb; and the word of our testimony

 Your testimony is witness against the devil and towards the sacrifice of Christ who has redeemed you and purified your soul!

• What causes us to need Jesus’ as our Advocate?

o When we ‘sin’ (harmartia) by slipping into error, wandering from God’s Truth

o When we violate God’s law by doing wrong in thought or deed (knowingly or ignorantly)

o When we offend others – again knowingly or unknowingly

The Evidence of Knowing God – v. 3-11

• V. 3-6 – Love is the evidence God is looking for in our lives.

o His love sets us free to receive His love.

o His love promotes a desire to keep (obey) His commandments.

 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. – I Jn. 5:3

o His love frees us to love Him as well as others.

o His love brings us to the Truth and does battle against the lies of the enemy / world.

 II Tim. 1:13 – Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

o His love perfects, completes and matures us!

o His love convinces us that we are “IN” Him. – He dwells in us –

 Ro. 8:2 – the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

 Col. 3:3 - For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

o We imitate Him by walking as Christ Jesus walked, conducting ourselves as He did.

• Walk in LOVE – both an old and new commandment – v. 7-11

o Evidenced by loving our brother – agape which moves beyond human ability to love.

o The real difference between Christ’s Light and the darkness of the world:

 Jesus was able to say “Father, forgive them…” from the cross due to LOVE that is defined in I Cor. 13:4-8a – Love is longsuffering, kind, not envious, boastful of oneself, proud, rude, self-seeking, provokable, harmful in thinking, nor joyous over warped things (iniquity). Love rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things that are true, is enduring, and without fail.

 Darkness cannot see beyond the faults and negative circumstances – v.8-9 – is incapable of loving others, stumbles over God’s truth, is blinded of eye to see through the eyes of Christ, and does not know where he is going!

Growing in Love – v. 12-17

• Three Stages of growth:

o Little Children – grow in their understanding of salvation, no longer identifying as sinners, in knowing Father God, by asking lots of questions & learning.

 Every stage involves overcoming the world and its allurements through the desires of the flesh (physical temptations); the eye (what you view); and the pride of life (ambitions, natural desires that don’t line up with God’s word..)

o Young Men – grow in overcoming power and authority in Christ to defeat the wicked one; and become strong (knowledgeable) in the word of God because it abides inside of them.

 They begin to live by, meditate upon, and apply the counsels of God found in the written word. Sometimes oversensitive or headstrong.

 Revelation and understanding is gained through reading the word and through prayer. – Learn humility and grace.

o Fathers (Mothers) of the faith – have known Him who is from the Beginning –

 They carry life experience and testimonies of God’s faithfulness in every stage of growth.

 They know God intimately and His ways; trusting Him in every circumstance.

 They are intentional, strategic, mentor others, are team-minded & dependable.

Living in the Power of Love – v. 18-29

• Recognizing the spirit of antichrist (v. 18) – and those who ‘went out from us’ because they weren’t a true Believers in Christ. –

o These may have looked good outwardly, but their heart was not surrendered to Christ.

o (See notes above – depart from truth, deny Father and Son, believe lies)

o These try to seduce others into their persuasions and deceptions (v. 26)

• You carry an anointing of power that comes through knowing / receiving the Truth.

o There’s the fragrance of Christ Jesus within you as evidenced by the transformation of lifestyle and renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2)

o You acknowledge, listen to, and remain in the Father and in His Son Jesus.

o You carry the promise of eternal life!

o The Holy Spirit teaches you what is True and you abide with Him – v. 27

o You have confidence in Him without shame – v. 28.

o You practice righteousness because He is righteous – v. 29.

Conclusion: We are righteous as we walk in Love, imitating Jesus in obeying the Father, loving others, and overcoming all darkness by His blood, and our testimony.


Love Deposited in Our Hearts, Ep 47


God is Light, Ep 45